Hi! I'm Marta and I'm the founder, photographer and the person behind Futebol de Tostões. 
Since 2017 I've been traveling around Portugal to document the landscape of lower league and grassroots football grounds. With Futebol de Tostões I aim to create a visual record of these places, but most of all I want to praise clubs that represent the true essence of football, far from the spotlights or million-dollar budgets.
If you have any enquiries or are interested in working with Futebol de Tostões, please email: futeboldetostoes@gmail.com.
You can also find Futebol de Tostões on Instagram and check my full portfolio (beyond football) here.
Futebol de Tostões was featured on Público P3, CNN Portugal, and MaisFutebol.
In Brazil, Futebol de Tostões has been featured over the last few years on Verminosos por Futebol (here and here). More recently I wrote a full article about 10 stadiums that are worth a visit in Portugal. 
One year after the start of the project, I went on national television to talk about the story behind Futebol de TostõesI was also interviewed on the radio, on the program A Bola é Nossa (The Soccer Ball is Ours), on Rádio Nova.
Some of the pictures you can see here were exhibited during the 2nd edition of Offside Lisboa, the only film festival in Portugal about football.
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